In the heart of Ohio, a dynamic partnership is reshaping the landscape of the mechanical insulation industry. Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers (HFIAW) Local 50 Columbus/Dayton, in collaboration with BMA Media Group, spearheaded a digital organizing campaign to meet labor demands for the construction boom within their jurisdiction. This initiative showcases Local 50’s commitment to innovation and underscores the transformative power of strategic collaboration.

Responding to a Growing Opportunity

The backdrop of this journey coincides with the recent surge of job opportunities in the mechanical insulation industry within Local 50's jurisdiction. With many projects emerging as a direct response to Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) and other pro-union agreements facilitated by the Biden Administration, Local 50 recognized the need for a modern approach to reach potential members. This recognition paved the way for their partnership with BMA Media Group, utilizing digital marketing recruitment tools to assist in traditional organizing efforts.

A Proven Partnership for Success

BMA Media is poised to assist Local 50 with this exciting membership development campaign as the two organizations have shared more than a decade-long history of successful collaboration in multiple endeavors!

This current project includes a multi-faceted organizing campaign, incorporating print, texting, paid advertising and social media strategies to reach and engage a wider audience.

Digital Tools for Personalized Engagement

At the heart of the transformation are digital tools to create a more personalized and accessible experience for potential members. A key highlight is an online form that non-union insulators can conveniently fill out to indicate their interest. Once submitted, the leadership members of Local 50 personally reach out, fostering a connection for potential membership.

Unlocking Opportunity with an Open Call Board

The digital strategies also include traveling HFIAW members. BMA Media Group and Local 50 developed an open call board online, a platform where Local 50 can post open job calls. This feature streamlines the job posting process, enhancing the overall efficiency of putting traveling members of the HFIAW to work within the Local 50 jurisdiction.  

Furthermore, the campaign is rich in content, with valuable tips and information for incoming members of good standing. This approach not only educates but also establishes a supportive network for newcomers.

Benefits that Attract: Local 50's Value Proposition

While the digital campaign effectively engages potential members, it highlights the exceptional benefits of joining Local 50. Local 50 communicates these benefits through a strategic drip campaign in succinct and impactful messages. 

From guaranteed steady work for experienced mechanics to the chance to work on significant projects in Central Ohio, these messages resonate with the ambitions and aspirations of the target audience.

These messages are emphasized throughout the campaign's digital and print aspects.

Building a Better Ohio Together

Local 50's partnership with BMA Media Group reflects a broader mission – to build a better Ohio through collaboration, innovation and an unwavering commitment to growing Local 50.

As Local 50 continues to lead the charge in digital organizing, their journey inspires Locals across the Union.

By embracing change and harnessing digital tools, Local 50 is transforming its organizing and recruiting practices and shaping the future of Ohio's workforce.

Topics: Marketing, BMA Media Group, Branding, Organizing, LaborTools, Union, Local Union, Insulators Union, Insulators Local 50

Sara Park

Written by Sara Park